strategyStrategy Development and Deployment

Knowing how your organization is performing is important but equally important is knowing where you and your leadership team will lead the organization. Your strategy is the means to prepare for the future. To determine your strategy, Jokovich Consulting works with you to incorporate your mission and vision and a wide variety of inputs, such as stakeholder requirements and competitive information. This approach includes defining strategic objectives and the timetable for accomplishing them. Understanding the context for the strategy objectives in terms of market shifts, customer preferences, the economy, or regulatory environment, clarifies the approach to define your organization’s foundation. This will help you address your challenges and leverage your strengths.

Jokovich Consulting guides you in converting strategic objectives into initiatives and action plans that cascade through your organization, moving through departments to work groups and down to goals for individual employees. Known also as “hoshin or policy deployment process”, deploying the action plans to groups and individuals builds accountability as well as aligns organizational work. From that point on your organization is in a position to drive performance to meet organizational strategy.